Monday, September 6, 2010

What would you name triplets?

Hey! The other day I was on and asking the question 'what to name triplets?' I like to see what other people are planning on naming their kids! And then I came upon this:

What Would YOU Name Triplets IF....?

(You choose the genders)

1. Their 1st names all started with the same letter, and middles all started with the same letter?
2. They had to be named after important people in your life?
3. They had to have your LEAST favorite names
4. They were named after celebrities
5. What would you actually name your triplets?
by Jade's Mama [TTC #2]

It's a cool triplet naming questioner so I decided I would answer it and share it with you all. So here goes:

{I using 1 boy and 2 girls}

1. I don't really like having twin/triplet names being the same, but it's the first question so here goes:
Harper Jade, Henry James, Helena Joy

2. Marie, Elizabeth, William (middle names of some close people)

3. I'm not going to do this so I don't offend anyone with those names

4. Selena (Gomez), Claire (Bridgit Mendler's middle name), Nathan (Kress)

5. Hmmm...... Probably Abrielle Marie (Aubri for short), Helena Elizabeth, Brenden William

What would your answers be? Please comment and let me know!


Claire said...

Here's what I would do:

1. Charlotte Rose, Chelsea Rochelle, and Cassidy Raine
2. Ally, Taylor, and Cassidy
3. Not mentioning this for the same reason
4. Selena (Gomez), Anne (Hathaway), and Victoria (Justice)
5. Most likely it would be...Piper Mackenzie, Aimee Rose, and Quinn Nicole.

Eva said...

April Megan, Anna Melody, and Alice Mackenzie

Amanda, Kathie, and Kelly

leaving this blank

Miranda (Cosgrove), Liliana (Murphy), and Alyson (Stoner)

Truth to be told, I have no idea. yet.

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