Friday, February 4, 2011

Drop 2 Add 1

Hey! While searching for some baby name games that I could try, I stumbled upon a game called 'Drop 2 Add 1'. You are given a list of names, and you then 'delete' 2 that you aren't fond of and then add one name that you do. Cool, right? Let's get started! This name list is from HERE.

Ruby Tuesday
Lucy Eleanora
Lillian Paige
Hazel Marie
Phoebe Jane
Leo Jefferson
Silas Abraham
Jonas Maxwell
Julian Edgar
Caleb Andrew

Okay, I will take away Ruby Tuesday (Really? A restaurant?) and Silas Abraham (This reminds me too much of Nation Treasure 2.)

Now here's the new list:

Gabrielle Faith
Lucy Eleanora
Lillian Paige
Hazel Marie
Phoebe Jane
Leo Jefferson
Benjamin Mark
Jonas Maxwell
Julian Edgar
Caleb Andrew

Although the site only says to drop just 2 and to add just one, I am going to keep going until only four of the original are left (2 of girls, 2 of boys,).

Gabrielle Faith
Lucy Eleanora
Lillian Paige
Helena Joy
Leo Jefferson
Benjamin Mark
Henry Christopher
Julian Edgar

What does your list look like?


Caelen said...

Cool game!

Annie (larkin) said...

Here's the current list on that forum:

Jack Henry
Ewan Baylor
Devin Christopher
Rafe Cameron
Eve Louisa
Daphne Alexis
Meredith Nicole
Carmen Raquel
Mary Paulina

Drop two: Daphne Alexis and Rafe Cameron
Add one: Lisbeth Joy

This was fun!

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